Monday, November 28, 2011
Recording, Burgers, and Stories
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving (We'll be recording)

I promised a blog everyday, but unfortunately I did not get around to it yesterday. We have been quite busy working on songs and pulling this all together. It has been a really awesome process so far, and we are really looking forward to how this album is going to sound.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Atlanta Has been Rocked

We have left home and will be on the road a total of about 15 days. There are shows, recordings, hockey games, and hanging out with music industry peeps that will be going on. It's going to be a little crazy.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
New Blog with a ton of videos!
Branta Canadensis from Daveandbrian on Vimeo.
Paul Colman and Pre-Production:
Only a few hours left to donate to our fundraising campaign for the new project! Check out this cute video:
Thanks everyone!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Dave and Brian Lost Their Minds

As many of you may have already seen, we are trying to raise $25,000 to record our next album. Some of you, including myself, may think that we've lost our mind, but we look at it as something to move the Dave and Brian business forward. If we were starting a Taco Bell and needed $25,000 it would probably seem less weird. One major difference though, is that I can guarantee our album was cause way less stomach issues.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
TYI Was an Eskimo's Nightmare

Last week, Brian and I had the privilege of performing at the Southern Territorial Youth Institute (TYI) for The Salvation Army in Texas. There were about 250 students there and the temperature averaged about 108 everyday. At one point, I think it got up to 112. Going between the excessive heat outside, and then going to the freezing air conditioning inside, I now know what it feels like to be a woman in her 60's (I made this joke last year, but I love it so much.).
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Spandex Band, Lemonjellos, and Flash Mob

Friday, July 22, 2011
My Clogs Were Useless in Holland, Michigan

After San Francisco, I got home, mowed my lawn, and the next day went to Holland, Michigan for 2 weeks of Christ in Youth's ( MOVE events. My flight was later in the day, so I got to the event with about 20 minutes to spare to get on stage. This meant I could only do half of my pre-show Pilates routine.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
San to the Fran

I got home from Durango and not even 24 hours later, I was back at the airport with the whole fam to head off to San Francisco. Not sure if you've ever traveled with a 2 1/2 year old, and 7 month old, but I'm pretty sure I've discovered the premise for a new challenge on "The Amazing Race." The plane ride wasn't that bad it's getting through the airport. You have both kids, luggage, stroller, birth certificates, bottles, and the love of family which seemed to have a slow leak as we made our way through security.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Durango (Colorado, not the automobile)

Hey everyone. I'd like to give you some excuse like travel, family responsibilities, or witness protection as to why there hasn't been a blog in forever, but I believe I can sum it up perfectly with just 2 words: Lazy Writer.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Roads of Rage

Tuesday, May 10, 2011
These aren't like Ren and Stimpy

I watch a lot of children's programming now thanks to my son. Let me rephrase that. I now have a rational excuse to watch children's programming. I don't remember watching too many of these educational programs like there are today, and that probably explains the grammar in a lot of my blog posts. My son really enjoys The Cat in the Hat Knows A Lot About That, Curious George, and Dinosaur Train. Each show teaches lessons on nature, science, reading, and the social coexistence of a man living with a monkey. Let's take a look at these gems in particular.
Friday, April 29, 2011
New Jams

For those who think this post is about a fruit preservative to put on your toast, I'm sorry to disappoint. We will leave that up to the fine people at Smuckers. The "New Jams" I refer to are some sweet new songs Brian and I are working on. We hope to have a new EP done by the fall and hopefully available not too far after. Also, I'd like to point out that today I am officially a real blogger. I am writing this blog from the confines of a Starbucks.
Monday, April 25, 2011
August (Not the Month)

I have a dog named August. A lot of people ask if that was the month she was born and our answer is, "No" because she was born in January. I actually came up with the name while I was brainstorming names on the way to pick her up. For whatever reason the band, Counting Crows, went through my head, and I remembered their 1st album, August and Everything After. Though both great, they're not my favorite band and it's not my favorite album. I just like the thought of the name, August.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
See Mom, sometimes I can be serious

Today is Easter, so I thought I’d take a moment to write about it. I understand that not everyone who reads this blog is a Christian, and that’s actually the reason I write this post. I think a lot of people misunderstand what Christianity is. Is it a bunch of rules, regulations, and Republicans? Is it the clean-cut people we see on TV on Sunday mornings, or is it Quinn Fabray’s hypocritical dad on Glee? I have to apologize that I know that Glee reference, not because of my faith, but because of how lame it makes me. I use Bible references below to show that I’m not the one making this up.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Blog within a Blog= Lazy

I've gotten lazy again blogging. I think the it's because I want to put up original material, but other blogs don't seem to do that. They tend to put up things they've seen on other blogs, or cool videos they've seen that day and then comment on them. I noticed bloggers were doing this when we released our music video. It was on a ton of blogs and even had the same write up. Basically, people had copy and pasted other blogs to use as their own. That seems a little lazy to me. What if someone said in a British accent, "Hey, American Idol seems to work. What if we made a show called X Factor, and pretend it's different because of some minor details." That's just a hypothetical.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Youth Councils, Zombies, and Meatloaf

This past weekend, Brian and I performed at The Salvation Army PennDel Divisional Youth Councils. There were teenagers from all over the eastern side of PA and Delaware. Our show was Friday night at 11:30 PM and needless to say, the 2nd half of it is a vague memory. Everyone was pretty out of it by the end including myself. It's hard to remember if that flying goat happened or was a dream I had that night.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Sweet Georgia Red (on my face)
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Flight Stories

Brian and I are regulars on the planes of Southwest Airlines. By planes I meant jets. I didn't want anyone thinking that Southwest Airlines has some rolling fields somewhere that we like to hang out on. Anyway, we pretty much fly with them whenever we can. The planes all fit Brian's guitar in the overhead, they are usually cheaper (especially since they don't charge for bags), and we have a companion pass through their rewards program (one of us flies free). Those reasons combined with the fact that their commercials make us chuckle makes them our favorite.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Hey Roomie

One couple I forgot to thank yesterday for The Awesome Tour, were Jason and Kelly. Jason was my roommate in college, and as many of you know, the inspiration for our "The Diet Song." He and his wife Kelly were nice enough to let us crash at their house for the weekend and drink their green milk. Don't worry, it wasn't bad milk, or some sort of concoction that turned me into a plant-like substance so they could eat me (Troll 2 reference for the 3 people that got it). They were very hospitable and things were only awkward on Saturday night when we walked in on them. . . watching The Last Song starring Miley Cyrus. I still can't erase that from my mind.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
The Awesome Tour

We just got back this weekend from what we deemed "The Awesome Tour." We performed shows with Omaha Comedian Scott Muilenburg, and even had an appearance from Albany's favorite son, David Rice. We advertised it as "A tour of Awesomeness. . .and Scott Muilenburg."
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Hanging with Nolan

I have a 2 1/2 year old son named Nolan. It's been pretty entertaining to hang out with him, since he's saying and doing a lot of funny things, and has pretty much caught up with me in maturity. Here are some fun tales from the last few weeks.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
The Madness of March is Upon Me

I have been watching way too much College Basketball since Thursday. I used to think they called it "March Madness" because of all the crazy buzzer beaters and upsets, but I'm beginning to think it's a real disease that is caused by too much viewing. I'm pretty sure I've spent more hours this weekend watching games, then I had credit hours in college. I'm actually writing this as I'm watching the Syracuse game. I went to Syracuse, and I may go back because I still have some eligibility left. Sorry, that was the "Madness" talking.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Tulsa Man. . .Tulsa

I am in Tulsa, OK right now and I know what a lot of you are wondering: Did you win some sort of dream vacation? No, I’m here for a planning meeting. Brian and I will separately be emceeing morning shows this summer for MOVE, a high school conference put on by Christ In Youth (CIY).
These events will be happening all over the country and they’ve hired a bunch of different comedians to emcee. We will be getting together today and tomorrow, at a cabin outside of Tulsa and planning all of the morning sessions. I can’t help but wonder though if this is some ploy to get a bunch of comedians alone in a cabin, and see how they respond to various emotional and mental challenges through the introduction of costume characters and props for research or reality TV purposes. I don’t know. I guess I should’ve read the fine print in the contract better.
We are coming up with a few different aspects of the morning show. I don’t want to give them all away, but one is a character that will act as our assistant in the show. I have come up with a few characters and here they are:
Monday, March 14, 2011
Junior High Glock Revolution

We had a great time this weekend at the Breakout Conference for Youth For Christ in Saratoga Springs, NY. We got to meet some great junior highers and leaders, staff and volunteers for YFC (, a speaker (Gilbert Hernandez), and Chris Ames Band ( We laughed, danced, and had a glockenspiel revolution.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Junior High
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Excuse Me, That's my Mail

Someone apparently hacked into my email yesterday and changed my password, so that I could no longer access it. I was able to get back in to my electronic mail today, and I did not like what they had done with the place. They moved all of my stuff, they changed the curtains, and pretty much let the dog out without a leash.