For those who think this post is about a fruit preservative to put on your toast, I'm sorry to disappoint. We will leave that up to the fine people at Smuckers. The "New Jams" I refer to are some sweet new songs Brian and I are working on. We hope to have a new EP done by the fall and hopefully available not too far after. Also, I'd like to point out that today I am officially a real blogger. I am writing this blog from the confines of a Starbucks.
With that being said, the name of the EP is The Legend of Rich Jones, and the pic above is a rough draft of what the cover may be. Let me give you a little preview of the songs we are working on:
-First off, for those of you who have seen us live in the last few months, you have probably heard one of the new songs. We have come to realize that the amount of money you have seems to correlate with how far south you can go on spring break. Why not have a song for all of those poor students who can't afford a tropical trip? It's called Spring Break Delaware and it's about a week long excursion to our country's 1st state. The song contains everything from Civil War reenactments to showing more love to The Delaware Memorial Bridge than has ever been portrayed in song. Thousands drive over it everyday, but how many of us really appreciate the suspension it provides?
-Some days of the week seem to get more play in songs than others and we feel we have to remedy that. We are working on a tribute to that mid-week stalwart, that "what-up" wonder, that home of Cougar Town: Wednesday. The SNL boys showed us how to be lazy on Sunday, Rebecca Black beautifully poured out her angst on where to sit on Friday, and we want to teach you how to Party Like it's Wednesday. That needs no more explanation.
-Another song we are working on may cause some problems for our career, but it shows that we aren't afraid to get political. It has to do with a border control problem, and in our opinion the seasonal migration of Canadian Geese is illegal immigration and needs to be stopped. We are creating an anthem calling for all Canadian Geese to take their honking and feces from our lakes and golf courses, and to go back home.
-There are so many songs out there that describe the underdog overcoming the odds and achieving their hopes and dreams. The problem is there are only a small percentage of people who do that, so we wanted to write a song that is in tune with people like us. Those of us who peak at average and accept reality. It's called, You Were Right.
-Is it me or is every song about something? Some songs are about love, some about fame, and some are even about Taylor Swift's ex-boyfriends. It's starting to get old. We are working on a concept song that is about what it's not about. Now some might argue that by making a song about what it's not about, we have made the song about something. We'll leave that up to the philosophers.
There you have it. A brief summary of the new EP Dave and Brian are working on. There will be some updates in the next few months, but we are very excited about getting some new stuff out to our fans!
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