I'd like to comment on something that has recently happened to me twice now, and it hasn't happened since high school. In the last few weeks, I have been given the finger twice in traffic. At first, I thought they were telling me I was number one and just using the wrong finger. Looking back on the circumstances of the situation, it occurs to me that they were giving me this finger out of spite and not encouragement. I didn't realize people still did this, let alone adults.
The first time it happened was on 95. I was in the far left lane already going 7 miles over the speed limit (I fear putting this for legal reasons, but I'm not sure that a blog is legally binding). There was a truck to my right going about the same speed, so I wasn't able to get over. I noticed in the rear view a white car coming up fast. I don't remember the type of car. Could've been a Lexus or an Audi, but I can definitively say that it wasn't a Ford Escort. It was driven by an older gentleman in his 60's, wearing sunglasses, and a shirt unbuttoned low enough so we could see the medallion on his gold chain I suppose. I don't want to speculate on his nationality, but I'm willing to bet that if Jersey Shore came out in the 70's, this fellow would be a celebrity.
The guy got right up on my bumper, and started flashing his headlights. This act is meant to make me move over or speed up. Needless to say it was kind of useless, because there were vehicles to my right, and my first reaction to this sort of thing is to slow down. Don't worry. I didn't slow down. I did however get into the next lane and as he passed, I turned and gave him the biggest smile you can imagine. You know, the kind that makes those muscles right under your cheekbones hurt. I would say I was asking for it with the smile, but he was already giving me the finger as he passed. He weaved in and out of traffic ahead of us and then zoomed off an exit a few miles later. I can't really comment on why he was in such a hurry. Maybe he was in labor. Maybe he couldn't slow down under a certain speed or his car would blow up. Maybe he feels that it's impossible for him to be part of the solution so he has just given in to the other side. No matter what, the odds are fairly good that he's just an arrogant old man with an irrational sense of entitlement.
It happened again the other day. I was sitting at a red light, and the people across the intersection from me got the green arrow to turn left. My light then turned green, giving me the right of way. As I started to go, a car ran the light to sneak in their left, which I put up with, but then the huge pick-up truck behind him went totally cutting me off. I honked my horn, and the guy looked back at me and gave me the finger. I know, it was probably rude of me to honk my horn to point out that he was clearly cutting me off, potentially causing an accident, and not adhering to something we all were taught in pre-school, which is to wait your turn.
I'm not sure what caused him to be so juvenile and bitter. Perhaps the resentment of owning a pick-up truck in the suburbs finally got to him. I'm sure the machismo that it makes him feel does not balance out all of the times he's asked to help someone move. I don't take it personally that these guys flipped me off. I'm offended that there are people in society, that still think this is an appropriate reaction to their discontent. Oh well. My goal here is not retaliation or complaint. It's to hopefully reach out to those who may still use this gesture, and help them see how ridiculous it is. Try something a little less ignorant. I don't know what. Bite your thumb at people. At least that's Shakespearean.
LOL! I love the "bite your thumb" idea! Also, I try to avoid caffeine so the sleepless nights are definitely your fault.
ReplyDeleteAlso, is that picture of Brian? Maybe he was just showing you his wedding ring, to say, thanks, but I'm married.
Thanks for posting, now I can get some rest. :)