Monday, November 28, 2011

Recording, Burgers, and Stories

So we are still recording. It's been an intense 7 days of working on music and singing our hearts out. I imagine this is how Kei$ha must live, only more sober. The songs are sounding great and the finished product is going to be unbelievable.

We've been meeting a lot of great people during this experience which only adds to it all. Paul Colman's 2 young girls have become big fans. They're singing our songs non-stop which I'm sure takes that fine line between cute and annoying and obliterates it for their mother. We stayed with Jeremy Michael, our engineer, over the weekend and recorded some things in his studio. His wife, Bonnie, and 3 kids, were gracious enough to let us crash at their place and eat their Digiorno Pizza. I got to read stories to the 3 kids before they went to bed on Saturday night. I think they liked it even though the only voice impersonations I can do are 1920's flappers and bootleggers. Here's some footage from our recording sessions with Jeremy to show how serious this all is.

We also got to do a show at Riff Burgers ( and it was phenomenal. We hung out with John Thatcher, who booked us, and his family there. His 6 year old son, Jackson, told me that he thought Brian and I really work well together. He may be 6, but his half-British accent and fedora made it sound much more mature.

We're wrapping up vocals on 2 more songs today. We also have Dan Haseltine (Jars of Clay), and Jennifer Knapp coming in later tonight to throw down some guest vocals. We are very thankful to Paul Colman and the other who are working on this project for their belief in what we are doing. It's very cool to see this thing going to the next level and higher, way higher.


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