As many of you may have already seen, we are trying to raise $25,000 to record our next album. Some of you, including myself, may think that we've lost our mind, but we look at it as something to move the Dave and Brian business forward. If we were starting a Taco Bell and needed $25,000 it would probably seem less weird. One major difference though, is that I can guarantee our album was cause way less stomach issues.
So let me give you some back story on this. A few weeks ago, Brian and I performed at Camping for Christ in Kresgeville, PA. It's a fun event with a pig roast and everything. This year, the headlining guest was singer/songwriter, member of the Grammy nominated Paul Colman Trio, and member of the Newsboys, Paul Colman (www.paulcolman.com). He sat through our whole show, which often times other entertainers (or much of the general populace) won't do, because they've got too many other cool things to do. Afterwards, he approached us and was very excited about what we are doing.
Paul was very complimentary about our show and being Australian, he used several phrases we don't understand. Don't get me wrong, I eat at Outback and all, I'm just not fluent. Anyway, he mentioned that he live in the Nashville area now and works with artists on producing albums.
He later followed up with Brian on a phone call and shared some great ideas. He plans on not just working on the album, but wants to work with us to improve our live show. Paul is also very connected in the music industry and wants to shop us around to various labels, and get us on the music festival circuit next summer. The goal is to be done by December and get things moving for 2012. To be perfectly honest, if he's able to introduce us to Michael W. Smith (www.michaelwsmith.com) at some point, it'll be worth it.
After looking at our bank accounts, we've come to find out that apparently, we do not have this money (does anyone other than Mike Whittle get that reference?). $25,000 is a lot of cash to raise. If I've learned anything from films such as Tommy Boy, Hot Rod, and Dirty Work, we just need to sell more brake pads, stunt jump some buses, or start a revenge for hire business. Until we get there though, we're going to beg. We've started a page on indiegogo.com to help raise funds (see link below). Every little bit helps, so if you think you can donate it would be much appreciated! We have great fans who have been very supportive and we look forward to this next step in our career to be able to connect with more people. Thanks for all of your help!
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