It seems like 2 times a year, I get sick. Usually, I start to feel it the night before, struggle through an evening of temperature change, nausea, congestions, and hallucinations. There aren't really hallucinations, but it gives me a good excuse to talk with my imaginary friend, Lamar. Anyway, I then spend the next day feeling awful and pretty much passed out in bed. Then by the next morning I feel fine.
This is what occurred in my life starting Wednesday night and all the way through last night. It used to be when I was sick, I would just lie on the coach and watch Judge Judy, and my Soap Operas, or "Stories" as I call them. Now that I have kids, it's a little harder to do that. Also, now that Mark Hapka, or Nathan, is no longer on Days of Our Lives, what's the point? I went to high school with him, and played his dad twice in school plays. Some find it weird that I played his dad. Don't worry, usually the girl playing my wife was good looking, so the real question people usually had was how did he end up with her? Anyway, Booh, Days. I haven't been this upset since Sammi kidnapped baby Belle.
Where was I? Oh yeah, I was sick yesterday. I knew it wasn't going to be my day. Even the episode of Curious George that was on involved him chasing a jazz singing germ through his own body. I hadn't felt that connected to Curious George since I used to hang out with this guy who always wore a yellow hat. I had to take my 2 year old to school in the morning. This involves me carrying the 3 month old in his carrier down a packed hallway of parents and crazed toddlers. I was so out of it, and it was so heavy, by the time I got to where I needed to be, I was waiting for David Bowie to show up in tight pants singing with some Muppets (Labyrinth reference for the kids).
I ended up calling my mother-in-law to come over and help watch the boys, so I could try and get some sleep. Lots of people like to make hack jokes about their mother-in-laws, but you won't see me doing it. I like to think that mine are original. Actually here's a good one that gets my wife too: "People are always telling my mother-in-law that she looks so much like my wife, they could be sisters. She always takes that to mean she looks young enough to be her sister. What if they just really mean my wife looks really really old?" Don't worry, they won't get too mad at me. I've been sick.
I ended up in bed at like 8:30 PM last night. That worked out nicely because NBC just ended up running a bunch of repeats of The Office and not any new comedies. I'm not going to say it was because I was sick, but between this and the Curious George thing, I can't disprove that my body may be in tune with television programming. I woke up this morning not 100% but pretty good. The best way to describe it is, if yesterday I felt like I got hit by a truck, today I feel like I got hit by a Mini Cooper. Anyway, feeling better and ready for the weekend. Until next time, Lamar.
I love doing mother-in-law jokes. Actually, my mother-in-law has threatened several times to file a lawsuit against me seeking royalties. She would. :-/