Monday, March 7, 2011

The Dork Anthem Revisited

I apologize for my relapse in lazy blog writing. I have been fighting this cold, and also have experienced a little bit of a flood in my basement. As a matter of fact, as I write this there is a 2 year old going through a screaming fit out of some sort of possession upstairs. What I'm saying is that this whole adult thing, really has put a hinderance on my writing stupidity here. That's still no excuse though for letting you fine folk down. I apologize and will try harder.

I'll discuss more about the basement flood tomorrow. It's not the end of the world, but let's just say that if Kanye West were here, he'd have some very pointed things to say about how George Bush feels about my family. Anyway, tonight I'd like to draw attention to a milestone in the world of Dave and Brian.

It's been just over a year, since we released our 1st music video for "The Dork Anthem" on Youtube. It has reached over 77,000 views and been featured on countless blogs, new shows, and FunnyOrDie. We even got to perform at an Anime Conference last August. That was the first time I shared an elevator with GI Joe and a girl with pink hair and purple tights, and I was the weird one.

For the most part, the video has been well received. Unfortunately though, there are some who did not get the light-heartedness of the video and decided to go on verbal tirades. This is by far my favorite comment we have ever received on anything, let alone the video. It was on a blog called, Geekology:

I've never commented before, but in my personal opinion, as someone who visits this site daily, I HATE this video. I think it was not only a waste of footage and space on your website, but it made me sick with it's fake overblown attitude, predictable lyrics, hackneyed cliches, AND BEER COMMERCIAL INSTRUMENTALS. I was literally on the floor vomiting for half an hour. I even watched the entire video in some blind hope that it would have a redeeming quality. it did not. By the time the video ended I was hemorrhaging from my brain to my anus.

Screw This Video. I love you, man-who-chooses-what-to-post. You are a king, but this was and is a piece of crap choice. You've made my potential future children cry and beg to be let back on their holo-game systems

This person said they were "literally vomiting. . ." Literally means they were actually doing it. I don't consider what we do "art," but if it is causing this kind of reaction, maybe it is. I remember Brian's response after reading this was, "Man, if our video did this to him, I can't imagine what the earthquake in Haiti has done to him."

Well, anyway, thanks to all of you fans, who have made this video so popular. Feel free to give it another watch and pass it along for old times sake. We are working on plans for a new video and a new EP. We hope to have those things moving this summer in to next fall. Keep an eye out.


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