One couple I forgot to thank yesterday for The Awesome Tour, were Jason and Kelly. Jason was my roommate in college, and as many of you know, the inspiration for our "The Diet Song." He and his wife Kelly were nice enough to let us crash at their house for the weekend and drink their green milk. Don't worry, it wasn't bad milk, or some sort of concoction that turned me into a plant-like substance so they could eat me (
Troll 2 reference for the 3 people that got it). They were very hospitable and things were only awkward on Saturday night when we walked in on them. . . watching
The Last Song starring Miley Cyrus. I still can't erase that from my mind.
Before I went to college, my grandmother told me that she was praying that I would get a Christian roommate. I wasn't very faithful then and remember saying, "Good luck, grandma. It's a pretty big school." What I didn't realize at the time is that when my grandmother prayed for something, it happened. For instance, I'm not going to say that she prayed against Y2K, but I wouldn't be shocked to find out she did. Anyway, I got to school and my roommate was a jolly young lad from Cazenovia, NY, named Jason who was a Christian.
We hit it off right away, to the point where the first night of our college career, we were joking around so much that everybody thought we had known each other since high school. We both had very similar senses of humor, and an addiction to video games. We were reminiscing how, when the fire alarm would go off at 3 AM in the dorms, we'd be the only ones not in our pajamas outside, because we were up playing Madden. Jason would usually get up and make an announcement to the freezing students, that I was offering my pants for $10. I probably got offered more money to keep the pants on.
We spent our whole college career being roommates. There were some other guys that joined us those 4 years, but it was always Jason and I. After school, we've kept in touch pretty well. We were in each others weddings. One day, Jason told me he was going on Weight Watchers. This wasn't anything new. In college he had tried Atkins, and would bring bags of bacon back to our fridge. There was so much bacon in our room that we had to hang an "Unclean" sign on the door to warn our Jewish friends. Anyway, he was excited about Weight Watchers, because it's a lot like Fantasy Football. You just have to keep track of the points. A year later he lost 75 lbs. I'm still waiting to see the commercial with the picture of big Jason next to thin Jason and the disclaimer, "Results not Typical."
I've heard so many horror stories of college roommates, that I guess our relationship could be classified as "Results not Typical." Of course, he likes to remind me that he was the answer to my grandmother's prayers. Anyway, we are both married and have kids (his 2nd one is on the way). This weekend, we joked about stuff we did in college and laughed how different life is now. For instance, he's thin so it's less funny when he does a cartwheel. People just point and say, "Whatever. Just another skinny guy doing a cartwheel." Also, when we talk now it usually has more to do with kids, and our wives than the glitch he found in Madden, or Irene from the Sadler dining hall.
Normally I'm not too serious with this blog, but I'll end this one saying, make sure you appreciate the solid friendships you have. Circumstances and priorities may change, but a solid friend is always there to hear you out, challenge you, or sell your pants for $10.