So I actually missed 2 days of blogging. I wasn't slacking off. We were on the road Saturday to do a show at Seton Hill University in Greensburg, PA. Sunday we drove back and I made the heinous mistake of going for a run. I'm not sure if it was as bad as heinous, but I never get to use that word, and it makes me laugh because it sounds like another word. Anyway, I haven't run in months, and I had been in the car all day. It wasn't the best time to run about 4 miles, up and down hills. Thank heaven my fingers aren't used in the act of running or this would be day number 3 of not blogging.
Seton Hill is a small University outside of Pittsburgh and the show was in an awesome, little theater for comedy. Before the show, we had an impromptu spelling bee. Some groups play name games, some play cards, but the Student Activities Board (SAB) of Seton Hill compete in spelling. After an onslaught of rigorous mind-numbing rounds, Brian was the last man standing. Congratulations to him on his flawless spelling ability.
The show went very well and the crowd seemed very pleased by Smalltown Gangstas. They really seemed to appreciate the message of the song, as well as a solid trombone solo. After the show, we headed out to Primanti Bros. Restaurant with the SAB which is where the real fun began. Primanti Bros. is famous for it's sandwiches that are stacked with meat, french fries, and coleslaw. Not only did it taste great, but it also will provide me with a very bad cholesterol report on my next blood test.
As we were eating, a UFC event came on all of the TV's. For those of you who aren't clear on what that is, I don't want you to make the same mistake I did. UFC stands for "Ultimate Fighting Championship," not "Ultimate Frisbee Championship." This is the first time I've witnessed an event like this, since Tickle Me Elmos were the hot item on Black Friday. I wouldn't consider myself a full fledged fan now, but I do see the entertainment value of this sport. I couldn't take my eyes off of the octagon. I don't know if it's because it's an octagon, but I do think if it were a rhombus or trapezoid, it'd be less appealing.
These guys rip in to each other, and don't seem to care about pain or the fact that they're getting other people's blood on themselves. One guy won a very hard fought, bloody battle and cried when he was announced the victor. I don't know if he cried because he was happy, or if the adrenaline was wearing off and he was feeling the fact that half of his head was open. Needless to say, this isn't a sport I will be getting too into. I don't look good in tight shorts, or blood.
As we were in the midst of our dinner, the spelling bee playing SAB, decided to let us in on another game they enjoyed playing, called Sugar Shots. This game involves getting a bunch of sugar packets, emptying one out, and filling it with salt. Then they get mixed up and passed around to the participants. On the count of 3 you suck down your packet, and the person with the salt tries to conceal their reaction so others have to guess who had it. We passed out the packets and even passed them around 7 more times so there was no question of cheating. You'll never guess who ended up with the salt.
Have you ever chugged a packet of salt? Let's just say that my first response was not to conceal the fact that I had the salt. It was my 2nd thought, but by then was too late. I gagged and reached for my water, which turned out to be a bad idea. It was basically like drinking the ocean. My mouth and tongue started to grow numb and I think I was in shell shock, because every 5 minutes I relived the moment of salt filling my mouth. Apparently, the taste buds that respond to salty flavor are on the side, towards the middle of my tongue. I know because they were on high alert and none too pleased. It was almost as if they weren't part of my tongue anymore.
Anyway, a special thanks to the fine people at Seton Hill. We had a blast and hope to work with you again soon. Also, you'll be hearing from my taste bud's lawyers.