Friday, December 4, 2009

Scoot or Die

So we began filming today. We donned our "Dork" apparel and hopped on some motorized scooters. Unfortunately, Brian hopped a little too fast and crashed into a bush. I didn't get to see it, but from what I hear it was pretty intense. Don't worry, Brian is ok, but more importantly though, the $700 cheap Chinese scooter is ok.

We filmed some great scenes today. Some involved our new friend Colt, portraying a short short wearing, speed-walking, dork. There were some great road shots of Brian and I rocking the scooter down the mean streets of Murfreesboro, which is apparently not pronounced phonetically. Here are some pics:



  1. Should I be concerned? The dork gear that Brian is sporting is exactly what I wore to the office today.

    Can't wait to see the finished product. Will your video feature dancing zombies like Thriller? Wait, don't tell me. I want to be surprised.

  2. Oh my word, I am so excited about your music video!!! Me and my youth group went to the CIY Move IN1 conference, and ever since you guys performed there, our youth group has LOVED you guys!!!! haha me and my friends can't wait for your music video! I'm sure we'll be watching it at my youth group when it's out!
