We had the pleasure of having comedian Rich Jones (www.richjonescomedy.com) perform with us in Springfield. He's an up and coming, very funny comedian. Check out his stuff on his website and YouTube.
So, about this juvenile detention center. It's interesting, whenever we perform and I mention that we perform in juvenile detention centers, there are always people who laugh at that. When I mentioned it in the juvenile detention center, they didn't laugh. I guess it's the opposite of the concept, "You had to be there."
On a serious note, we really enjoyed being able to perform there. There were about 25 teens there and we were set up in a common room right outside a block of cells. There was one kid who got in trouble before the show. They put him in his cell, so during the whole show there was a kid peeking through a small window from a jail cell. The teens really got into the show and it was very fun. The Assistant guy who ran the place was very pleased and said it was the first time he had seen them open up like that.
The show at The Salvation Army was fun. They had a chili cook-off beforehand, so during the show there was new meaning brought to the term laughing gas (I really really apologize for the fart joke. It's a bad one too, but no matter how hard I fought myself I had to do it. Do I need to quit comedy now?)
NYWC (www.nywc.com) was awesome. We performed in the Late Night Comedy Club with Darren Streblow (www.darenstreblow.com) and Ryan and Friends (www.ryanandfriends.com). The audience was made up of Youth Pastors and Youth Workers from all over the country. We went on last, so they were all warmed up and ready to go by the time we hit the stage. It was awesome!
Golden Bowl Buffet
1781 N. Bechtle St.
Springfield, OH 45504

The service was good, but our friend Rich Jones had a negative experience with one of the waitresses. When he asked if she was our waitress, she stared at him for a little bit and then left with no response. I'm not sure but judging by the look on her face, I think he may have somehow showed dishonor to her and her family just by talking to her.
The food was great at Golden Bowl. There was a wide variety of seafood selections and I partook of all of them. The highlight of the buffet though was by far the General Tzos Chicken. It had a rich flavor with a soft kick. The texture was perfect for your tongue to participate in the enjoyment of consuming as well. Let's just say that if this chicken is a fair representation of the actual General Tzo, then we would join the Chinese army and follow him to the death.
4 Stars
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