We are proud to announce that this Wednesday, February 24th, we will be releasing our first music video. It's for our song "The Dork Anthem," and it will be on YouTube. We will have a link on this blog, on Facebook, and Twitter. We gave a sneak peek to the Encounter Youth Conference yesterday, and got a great response. We put a lot of work into this video and it has come out awesome. A special thanks to our production team at FocalPoint Cinematic (www.focalpointcinematic.com). We think you will all be really entertained by it.
You can help us get this video out by passing it on to your friends via pasting on Facebook or Twitter, sending out the link in emails, or putting it on a disc and mailing through thePony Express. We are not closed off to any modes of distribution.
We had some great shows this weekend. First we were out in Kansas City with an Open Bible Church Youth Conference. There were 900 teens there and we had a blast. Then we headed out and flew to Alabama for The Encounter Youth Conference. This was an awesome event. We had been there 2 years ago, so we already had some fans who were ready to rock. We got to hang out with the boys from Lost and Found (www.speedwood.com). These are the nicest dudes in the world and very entertaining. Check them out and listen to their sweet jams.
Brian took some video to document our life on the road for you guys. That will be coming soon. Also, the next blog will be a Chinese Buffet Review. . .FINALLY!